
How Kids Use Social Media

Written by The Symetric Team | 8-Sep-2014 6:55:00 PM

Ever wonder what kids are up to these days? Why social media of course! While it may seem rather obvious, millennials and their younger counterparts have been raised in a world full of technology. Which means that, as businesses, we need to be optimizing our marketing strategy for them.

The infographic titled "Trending TWEENS: How Kids Use Social Media" provides an insightful look into the digital habits of tweens and teens, focusing on their interaction with social media platforms.

Key Highlights:

General Usage:

95% of teens (ages 12-17) use the internet.
81% of these teens use social media, compared to 72% of all internet users.

Frequent Access:

Over 50% of adolescents log into a social media site more than once a day.

Younger Kids:

Among kids under 13, 21% use a social networking site and 26% say they have a YouTube account.

Savings and Technology:

Many kids save money for tech, with 33% saving for the latest technology and 20% for a cellphone.

Device Usage for Access:

Kids access their favorite websites mostly through smartphones (9%), laptops (35%), desktops (24%), and tablets (32%).

Popular Platforms:

45% of kids prefer YouTube, followed by Facebook (15%), Instagram (10%), and Twitter (2%).

Social Media Preferences:

Facebook is less popular among kids aged 8-12, with 35% considering it a platform for parents.
Snapchat, though officially off-limits for children under 13, is still accessed due to the lack of age verification.

Instagram is a favorite among tween girls, with 23% rating it as their top smartphone app.

Concerns and Benefits:

Social media use raises concerns about increased narcissism, with 33% of surveyed kids valuing fame.

Cyberbullying is a significant issue, leading to potential mental health problems.
Positively, social media helps tweens and teens stay connected, share ideas, and engage in community activities.

Parental Monitoring:

Recommendations for parents include checking privacy settings, using monitoring software, advising kids on online safety, and keeping computers in shared family spaces.
This infographic highlights the pervasive nature of social media in the lives of younger generations, underscoring the importance of safe and responsible usage, particularly given the associated risks and benefits.