
SEO: Fuelling your Marketing Engine

Written by The Symetric Team | 2-Feb-2017 7:46:00 PM

Have you ever considered how drastically our lives have changed from just 20 years ago? Gone are the days of flipping through YellowPages or scanning 411 directories and almost anything can now be done in a matter of minutes…from ordering a pizza to booking a trip to the other side of the world. This change has also radically affected the business landscape as technological advancements have forever changed the way that companies interact with consumers. Whether it’s reaching out to people over various social media outlets, using PPC advertising or implementing strategic email marketing campaigns. However, one outlet has arguably become so important that it’s now considered to be critical to the success or failure of countless businesses: SEO.

Search engines have radically altered how people search for your business. Getting discovered online is no longer considered a passing fad, but is of paramount importance to both the current and future success of your business. Which is why it’s important to put yourself in your consumers’ shoes to determine how they go about finding you.

In order to explain search engine ranking, we have to look at how people search for services using Google. Users typically search by one of 2 ways; they either search using a question such as “where’s a good steakhouse?” or they search for something specific i.e. “The Keg.” As businesses, we should be thinking about how consumers search for and find our products and services. Of course, the more active we are online the more likely we are to be found. So it’s important to have a solid online marketing mix that consists of having a modern website that consistently adds relevant content and creates backlinks from other online sources. Let’s start with the first step, your website.

Your Website

Did you know that 97% of all consumers now search for local businesses online? Websites are widely considered to be your most important marketing tool as consumers are choosing to purchase more items online and have it sent right to their doorstep. So what if you can’t sell your products or services online? You might not be able to sell them online in the conventional sense; however, consumers are more likely to make their purchase decision based on your website’s appearance and how easy it is to find what they are looking for. This can help to get the ball rolling if you also implement strategic calls to action and can establish a point of contact.

Relevant Content

Remember that just having a nice website doesn’t mean that the work is over…actually you’re just getting started! Adding relevant content on a regular basis is an important component when improving your search engine ranking since Google favours websites that remain active. Remember that it’s Google’s job to give people the best results possible so keeping your content up-to-date is imperative. So what’s the best way to add content to your website without turning it into a research paper? The answer is blogs!

Many people are quick to overlook blogging, as they believe it to be a waste of time and effort. On the contrary, blogging is one of the best ways to improve your website’s search engine ranking, create additional content and provide answers to people’s questions all at once. If your blog is featured on your website it can help improve your search engine ranking since you are providing Google with more content to analyze. It also provides you with the opportunity to add more keywords to your website that people may use when searching.

Link Building

Social media is another great way to connect with consumers as it has become the new word of mouth and can now be considered a crucial part of any business’ marketing strategy. However, what many people are not aware of is that social media can help increase the number of links to your website by embedding links in individual posts. This results in Google seeing that established websites (Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, etc.) are linking back to you and you’ll see an increase in your search engine ranking as a result. What’s more is that Google has even announced that they will now be indexing Tweets as another way for people to find you!

Search optimization is a formidable marketing tool that has the power to take a business to new heights. By using these 3 simple tips you’ll be able to develop a strong online presence and will be sure to enjoy the benefits of seeing your search engine ranking rise. Be warned though as this plan will more than likely lead to an exorbitant amount of sales! Don’t say we didn’t warn you!