
You Get What You Pay For

Written by The Symetric Team | 19-Dec-2011 4:33:00 PM

According to Forrester's projections, the adoption of tablets is expected to see a significant increase by the year 2015. In 2010, the number of tablets shipped stood at 16.1 million units. This figure is anticipated to dramatically rise to 147.2 million units by 2015, indicating a substantial growth in the tablet market.

A notable aspect of this growth is the penetration of tablets among U.S. online consumers. Forrester predicts that by 2015, one in every three U.S. online consumers will be using a tablet. This prediction underscores the increasing popularity of tablets as a primary device for accessing the internet among consumers in the United States.

Additionally, the data suggests that a considerable share of these tablets is bought by businesses worldwide. This points to the growing relevance of tablets in the corporate sector, reflecting a shift in business technology preferences and the adoption of mobile devices for professional use.

Overall, the data presents a picture of rapid growth in the tablet market, both in terms of consumer adoption and business utilization, highlighting the significant role tablets are expected to play in the digital landscape by the year 2015.