Your Consumers Are Addicted To Touch

Apps have transformed the intangible to tangible.
As I walk through the local shopping plaza, I gaze over at a lady examining a garment. She places it over her arm, analyzing its colour and texture. To my left I see an toddler sitting in a stroller as Mommy shops; these little fingers begin to venture out of the stroller to grasp a shinny crystal trinket but are swatted away before they can clench that desired treasure. A giggling group of teens walk by texting as their eyes peered down at a device that is casting a white glow on their faces. I walk by an elderly man whose hands are pressed up against that vintage Mustang on display that is being raffled off.
I begin to realize how powerful our addiction to touch is. Just as that toddler desired to clench that shiny trinket, we are born with this addiction. Its not just the desire to own or view that object but more so the desire to interact with that object.
As marketers, business owners, and non-profit and charitable organizations we need to grasp this concept of what this means for us. Consumers want to interact with us. They want to connect, touch and experience what we have to offer. This is why car dealerships give you the ability to test drive car and why clothing stores allow you to try on merchandise. They know once you experience the product you are far more likely to make that buying decision.
The problem has been that we can’t all sell cars, so most of us have products, services and programs that can’t offer that type of interactivity. That has all changed with the development of new touchable devices such as the iPhone and the iPad. These devices have changed the way consumers can interact with your products and services. The addiction to touch is now being satisfied by the device itself. This means that we now have a platform to turn our intangible offerings into tangible, living full breathing applications that our consumers can experience in the palm of their hands.
A business or organization that doesn’t have a tangible item for a consumer to touch can now offer a touchable product for a consumer to feel. Products and services that may have seemed dull or static can now become interactive and alive. Seemingly boring content can now be fully immersed inside an interactive experience that can engage your consumers like never before. Who would have thought that textbooks would become interactive with students; that apps could help you drive your vehicle; cooking books could become your virtual teacher; apps that enable you to become your own wine expert; apps could empower your employees with real time sales tools or mobile payment processing for contractors. The sky is really the limit on what you can achieve.
For more information on how you can turn your offerings into life, contact our team of experts to help you create an interactive experience that your consumers will be addicted to touch. Find us on twitter @AddictedToTouch or give us a call at 905-933-4910.