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6 Pitfalls of a Bad Social Media

6 Pitfalls of a Bad Social Media

You've heard it everywhere: to grow your business, you need social media marketing. It's the new form of word of mouth, especially considering the fact that about 70 percent of Canadians now use some...
5 Benefits of a Website Redesign

5 Benefits of a Website Redesign

Most of us have experienced the euphoria of getting a new phone. The excitement of removing it from the packaging and putting it in its new case can be enthralling. For the next little while, we...
Telltale Signs it's Time for a Redesign

Telltale Signs it's Time for a Redesign

Everyone has their favourite decade. Whether your inner hippie wishes you could float back to the 70s or maybe you would rather spend your days surfing the U.S.A. with the Beach Boys during the...